global aviation



ron butler lifetime achievement award
Matt Isley, Twin Commander President presents Ron Butler of Winner Aviation with
the Lifetime Achievement Award

Ron Butler is emblematic of the depth of experience residing in Twin Commander�s authorized service center network. Butler, who is supervisor of the engine shop at Winner Aviation, a Twin Commander Factory-Authorized Service Center located at the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport in Vienna, Ohio, just celebrated his 40th year with the company�four full decades of working on the engines that power Twin Commanders.

In recognition of that long service, Twin Commander Aircraft President Matt Isley recently presented Butler with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

After earning his engineering drafting diploma from the Educational Institute of Pittsburgh, Butler joined the U.S. Army as a helicopter mechanic, then became a helicopter crew chief and, finally, helicopter tech inspector. In 1969 he joined Beckett Aviation, which later became Winner Aviation. He was mentored by Beckett�s maintenance department and earned his A&P certificate working on piston- and turbine-powered Twin Commanders and Jet Commanders.

�This experience puts me at the top for knowledge with respect to these engines as well as the airframes that carry them,� Butler says. �This allows for mentoring younger mechanics and faster troubleshooting on problems.� He is a recipient of the Certificate of Completion for the Dale Carnegie Course and the �Above and Beyond� Exceptional Service Award from Allied-Signal. �Ron is highly regarded as one of the premier TPE-331 experts in the country,� notes Winner President and CEO Rick Hale. �He personifies our slogan, �Experience is the Difference.� Winner Aviation is proud to be the oldest independent Factory-Authorized Honeywell TPE331 Engine Major Service Center in the world, and we could not be more proud than to have Ron Butler as a part of our Winner Aviation team.�

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