
banyan relief effortBanyan Air Service, a Twin Commander authorized service center at Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport, has been a focal point of general aviation Haitian relief efforts.

Immediately after the January earthquake Sueanne and Don Campion, owners of Banyan Air Service, pledged Banyan�s support by providing personnel, hangar space, discounted fuel, and an FBO home for the pilots and passengers who quickly volunteered to fly to and from Haiti.

Sueanne Campion took on the added responsibility of dispatching flights from Banyan. She coordinated passengers for Haiti flights that have included medical personnel, relief workers, newly adopted children, injured patients, missionaires, critically ill children and orphans cleared to leave Haiti. Organizations involved with this relief effort include Hands and Feet, Christ Community Church, Clean the World, Bahamas Habitat, Love Beyond Borders, and several others.

Much of the relief effort is being coordinated by Corporate Aviation Responding in Emergencies (CARE), an organization founded by Robin Eissler. The organization has a system in place that encourages NBAA member comapnies to donate use of their aircraft for relief flights. When an aircraft is available, the CARE team coordinates with several ground groups including missionaries, medical groups, NGOs, and religious organizations to plan a flight. �We not only set up the flights, we also get heavily involved with Customs, clearances, and medical issues,� Eissler said.

In early March Eissler reported that since January 12, there have been 670 relief flights to Haiti that have carried 3400 passengers and 1,100,000 pounds of supplies. �Our work continues as we still have about 2-3 flights a day,� she wrote on CARE�s public Facebook site. The site chronicles CARE�s efforts and recognizes the people and companies that have contributed to the relief effort. For more see and a YouTube video thanking the many volunteers:

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