global aviation

Commander Owners Converge

on NBAA Convention


Twin Commander Aircraft booth at NBAA 2009

Though attendance was down overall, the 62nd annual NBAA Annual Convention and meeting last October in Orlando, Florida, proved to be a veritable Mecca for Commander owners. �I spoke with at least eighteen Commander owners or operators,� noted Twin Commander Aircraft President Matt Isley, who says he spares no opportunity to talk with Commander owners about their birds. �It�s great to see that the Commander community is alive and well,� he said.

Twin Commander Aircraft was joined at its booth by factory-authorized service centers Aero Air, Eagle Creek Aviation Services, Legacy Aviation, Aerocentro de Servicios, Global Aviation, and Executive Aircraft Maintenance. �In addition to being able to spend time talking with Commander owners, NBAA also brings us together with many of our service center partners so that we can talk about important issues facing the fleet. In fact, we hosted an advisory committee meeting on Monday night before the show to do just that,� Isley said.

�Though not as well attended as previous years, I gathered from talking with other colleagues that this year�s NBAA show was perhaps more productive than in prior years. I think that there is a definitely a consensus that it�s time to get back to doing business.�

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